Portfolio / Archive

Lilbags - 2012 - Film

Lilbags - 2012 - Film - A wonderful year

(Lilbags - 2012 - Film - A wonderful year)

Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Footage

(Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Footage)

Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Collage

(Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Collage)

Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Photography

(Lilbags - 2012 - Film - Photography)

(Watch: Lilbags (2012))

Lilbags - 2012 - Film - June 2016

A segment (2012) of a long-term personal project I've been putting together; a photo journal of sorts, of mine and my daughter Lily's time together. At risk of sounding overly sentimental, life is short, every moment you get with your loved ones is precious. Appreciate and enjoy them.

Andrew WarwickAndrew Warwick
© 2011 Andrew Warwick
All the materials on this website are probably protected by copyright and intellectual property laws.