(Grundon - Recycling Cups - Billions)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - In the UK)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - 7 million disposable coffee cups)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - New service launced)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - a specialist mill)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - Purchase)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - Containers)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - No monthly or annual fees)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - Carbon footprint)
(Grundon - Recycling Cups - Join the movement)
Grundon's campaign highlights the current problem of disposable cups in the UK and offers a sustainable solution, encompassed in this video.
Client: Grundon
Agency: Snowline